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$34.99 Precio regular $39.99

Gel Extra Strength Roll-on es el analgésico tópico, antiinflamatorio y antiespasmódico más potente que existe para la venta sin receta médica.

Otros productos actúan en la superficie (como Biofreeze o Icy Hot) o se enfocan en los síntomas (como las cremas antiinflamatorias con AINEs como Voltaren). Sin embargo, MuscleCare aborda la causa raíz a un nivel sub-tópico.

En solo 30 segundos, MuscleCare penetra profundamente para alcanzar el espasmo muscular, donde se encuentran atrapados los químicos dañinos.

La combinación única de magnesio y tecnología Myodrive se dirige a los puentes cruzados de actina y miosina, liberando el espasmo y permitiendo que la circulación rica en nutrientes elimine los químicos.

Esta liberación reduce las señales de estímulo o alarma en el cerebro, lo que lleva a una reducción del dolor. 

La fórmula especial del Dr. Chris asegura la entrega de la crema en los músculos y articulaciones.

MuscleCare ayuda a aumentar el flujo sanguíneo, reducir el dolor y mejorar la reparación de tejidos, músculos y cartílagos dañados.

Además de haber sido desarrollado basado en la ciencia es totalmente natural.  

Gel Extra Strength Roll-on combina mentol y alcanfor para un alivio inmediato del dolor con magnesio, glucosamina, MSM y condroitina para relajar la tensión muscular, mejorar la circulación, promover la curación y restablecer el músculo a su longitud de reposo normal.

El roll-on ofrece la comodidad de aplicar MuscleCare en esas áreas difíciles de alcanzar de la espalda sin usar las manos.

Este producto es ideal para una aplicación rápida en el lugar de trabajo o en un entorno deportivo.

El Gel Extra Strength Roll-on es efectivo en tan solo 30 segundos.

¡Esto te ayuda a reducir el dolor y volver a las actividades que amas!


$34.99 USD Precio regular $39.99 USD


Tim V.

I have been using MuscleCare products for more than 4 years. I started using MuscleCare roll-on first and now I am using ointment, too. Actually, me and my wife are using it as needed. My wife has shoulder pain and I have leg muscle pain. For the last four years, you must get four of my friends as customers since I have them all try my Roll-on. Thanks for helping us.

Candy G.

My husband and I have both been using MuscleCare for the last few weeks. It has really helped with his lower back pain and is helping with some tendinitis in my shoulder that I’ve been dealing with for quite some time. We’re excited to continue using MuscleCare and look forward to even more results!

Rideau L.

I had pain from my hip down into my Achilles tendon. My hip was achy and my calf and Achilles were really tight. Within a day of using MuscleCare, it had noticeably improved, especially my calf and Achilles tendon. I had stretched, put heat and ice on the areas, massaged, and used other topical pain relievers, it wasn’t until I started using MuscleCare that I had noticeable relief.

Brooke F.

My massage therapy practice has evolved since incorporating MuscleCare. I love that MuscleCare can be used on a broad population of clients and is non pharmaceutical. The fact that MuscleCare promotes healthy joints and relaxes locally is a win/win because my hands are saved from fatigue and my clients’ pain and inflammation is relieved with minimal effort by me, so I can focus in on the issue and ensure the longevity of my practice. My clients love this product as much as I do.

Francine Baumeister

I would like to express how grateful I am for MuscleCare Roll-on. I have a lovely lady who is 91-years-old and gets so much relief with your MuscleCare products. She uses it all over for aches and pains and honestly is able to get around still, thanks to your product.

Dale Propper

I never leave home without MuscleCare and because of it, I never suffer from low-back pain during long drives.